Many businesses in Sacramento and California use banners to advertise their business and motivate customers towards their business. Banner design is the most important element in urging customers to interact with businesses. 

How do you draw a perfect banner for successful business advertising campaigns? Many banner designing tips are there to help you create a perfect banner. But 12 of them are discussed for your ease by Sunlight Graphics & Printing Solutions

Create a banner that is simple but eye-catching. Mostly, banners are unable to get customers' attention. So, the design of banners plays a role in gaining customers' attention. Design a campaign that will effectively attract potential customers. 

Here are 10 different banner designing tips for your advertising campaign for your custom banner:

1. Know Your Purpose

To make a banner design, you must clearly understand your purpose. Why do you want to design this banner, and what is the purpose behind this design? What do you want to achieve through this design? Here are some goals to consider:


  1. Spread brand awareness

  2. Promotion of new product

  3. Promotion of the upcoming event

  4. Call to action for a sale

  5. Raise awareness for different causes

  6. Create a community sense 

There are a lot of goals for your banner advertising campaign, but some are listed above. Banners are used for a long or a short time, and it mainly depends on the purpose of their use. By following this banner design tip, you can increase your brand awareness.

For banner campaigns, the purpose is the most important step. Then, you can set your goal for a successful business campaign. So your business can grow if your goals are working in the right direction and you know the purpose of your campaign.

2. Make the Banner Pop From Its Surroundings

After finding a solid idea of your banner's purpose, the next step is where it will be placed. What is the right place for the display of banners? Deciding where to display banners, whether outside or inside, will be difficult. But if you're a starter from Sacramento, California, we will guide you on placing your banner. 

Firstly, you decide where you will place your banner. Will it be inside or outside? At your event location or the place of your business, did you hang out with me at another place? Placement is important for gaining attention. Physical surroundings are important for your banner to be noticed.

You must consider what your banner will be competing to stand out for your business. Your campaign will flop if you don't pay attention to the surroundings of your banner placement. Design an eye-catching banner and choose a color scheme to attract potential customers.

Then, decide where it will hang and consider the background of the building; for color banners, light brick buildings will be the best option. But for a light color banner, a dark brick building is suitable for hanging.

3. Choose Colors Wisely

The color scheme is crucial for your business's successful campaign. Color preferences vary from person to person. For example, in the US, green is known for the environment and money.

How do you draw banner colors correctly? Most colors depend on the purpose of conveying them to your potential customers. Colors are already taking place with your branding.

You should go with your branding colors; these colors tell what you want to give an impression to your potential customers. This banner design tip helps you work according to your customers' needs.

Banners represent your branding; designing a banner means this will work for your brand recognition. So, your banner must have the right colors to feature your brand and give a unique impression to your customers through these colors.

You can also choose gradients for your brand. Your brand is your voice, and colors represent your business, so choose colors that will attract your customers to your business. Understand the psychology of your customers, and then choose colors according to their personalities.

4. Use High-Quality Images

Images are a powerful design tool for a professional look to choose quality images. They convey the messages you have related to your businesses. You should always choose an image of high resolution that will not lose its quality when compressing and expanding. 

Don't use blurry and bad-quality images; they leave bad impressions on your customers. Most printing shops make this mistake; they print blurry and bad-quality images of your finished products.

But we gives you high-quality images of your finished products.  Use raster and vector images for your banners; they are high-quality.

5. Keep Text Concise

Keep the text of the banner concise and easy. Avoid using complex and ambiguous language that creates confusion for the readers. Keep the text of your banner easy and clear to your customers so they can easily understand.

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6. Make Sure Large Banners Have a Clear Focal Point

Large banners have a clear focal point that you can use strategically for your brand or business. You should use a strategy to get their attention at a specific point.


You can gain their attention through a logo, a word, text or a line. You can use contrast or stress the text that you want to notice. You can also display a bigger size of your desired point for notice. This banner design tip helps your customers notice your campaign's main message.

7. Use Quality Materials

When you want to advertise your business, you think about how to draw a banner. For drawing and designing your banner, you need a material. If the material is good, the finished product is good. The best material provides quality results.

8. Consider the location

Banner location is an important point to be noted. Banners placed in high-traffic areas should be more catchy and visible. For these banners, use vibrant and bold colors. So, you should consider the location before displaying a banner. This banner design tip helps you achieve your estimated numbers.

9. Keep it consistent

Consistency is important in advertising. Keep consistent in your business's campaign's design, color, font, and overall message. You should follow the same things every time. People also love consistency, so always remain consistent with your branding style, design and message.

10. Test and iterate

For a successful campaign, check the banner design. Test it and make changes to the design so a final product is available for your campaign. Effective and clear banners can increase the success of your campaign. 

Here is a guide tells us 12 reasons that why we should use banner advertising to increase our business sales. You might like if you want to grow your business in Sacramento, California.


Every advertising campaign's main question is how to draw a banner perfectly. For drawing or designing a banner, you should know the purpose of your banner and the location where you will display it. Also, choose the right color scheme for your brand and concise the text so your readability does not affect your campaign. 

If your banner has all these banner designing tips, your campaign can be successful, and you can get the attention of your potential customers. So you can generate desired revenue through these campaigns.

Custom banners for your business in Sacramento, California

When you spend your resources on banner design and worry about drawing a banner that aligns with your goals and business in sacramento, ca. You want the printer to turn your ideas into reality. We give life to your ideas.

We turn your dream true about banners. We meet the needs of you. Our banners are good in quality and look. You can customize them according to your demand. We can help you achieve your business goals through our banner design tips. We provide high-quality services to our customers with 100% satisfaction rate.

Frequently Asked Question

How many types of custom banners?

Custom banners are of three types: vinyl banners, mesh, and fabric banners. Vinyl and mesh banners are used for outdoor placement, whereas mesh banners are used indoors.

What are the different uses of custom banners?

Custom banners are used for clearance sales, for the opening of an event, for informing your customers about opening a new department in your store or for promoting your newly launched product.

How many banner-designing tips are there?

There are a lot of banner designing tips, and you can follow them for the growth of your business.

How much does a custom banner cost?

The cost of a custom banner varies based on material, size, and color. For a personalized quote tailored to your needs, contact us today!

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